Doing business with us

Doing business with WACQT-IP

WACQT-IP AB shall protect early technology steps in quantum technology via patenting,

  • build up a patent portfolio in quantum technology, and
  • commercialize via spin-off companies, licensing and divestments.

You have the possibility to join us on our journey, either by licensing or buying products. But you can also create joint ventures with us in relation to spin-off companies. Making business in a spin-off from early stage technology IP is a long journey, and we will always need competence, capital and other means of creating the market break-through.

Contact us for knowledge in quantum technology!

Each of our researchers have a unique knowledge in the field of quantum technologies. This knowledge is of great interest to other researchers, to quantum technology companies and companies in need of knowledge to be able to utilise the benefits from quantum computers. WACQT-IP is owned by (today) by 32 highly qualified quantum physics researcher - from hardware in superconducting environment to software for quantum correction.

Contact us for further information about our researchers and their knowledge.

We can assist you with e.g.

  • Information about the consequences of quantum computers.
  • Inspire you and your colleagues around computing communication.
  • Deepen your knowledge in quantum sensing.
  • Help you understand the possibilities with quantum simulation.
  • Broaden your general knowledge about quantum physics.

This can be in the form of

  • Presentations at seminars and conferences (not research conferences).
  • Advisory roles
  • Development activities making knowledge applied to your business.
  • Etc

…please contact WACQT-IP to discuss possibilities and prices.

Note that for companies already involved in the WACQT research program, these services are included.

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